The subject of this term that I like the most was "Diseño, Afecto y Género", actually, this subject is for the Graphic Designer mention, but we (both careers) get to choose some elective courses of the other mention.

In this course we got to see how the emotions are affected everytime we interact with an object or a visual piece, also we got to lear different methodologies that teach you how to create this emotional pieces and how to recognize the intention beneath the massive production of objects in the industry. Also we learn that the body is the one that interacts with the pieces and many times this property is diminishe by the main function of the piece.

I liked this subject because we got to learn about the Emotional Design and how everything that we are going to create is going to evoke emotions in peoplem so it´s not a lightly topic in the process of creation. In the course we also talked about the dark side of the emotion management and how the indutry sector cotrol this property into meking us buying more things without even realizing we don't need it.


  1. ooh that is very interesting! I never thought about the emotion that objects generate in us and that the creators of these have it in a certain way controlled.

  2. One of my "besties" took that course this semester too, and she tell me about it, sound really good. I did'nt take this subject for mention's credits :( Maybe on future

  3. It sounds so interesting that class, that I would like to have it also in my career :).

  4. wow, that subject sounds too interesting! The emotional education is very very important. There could be a "transversal" subject so hahaha


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