My major of Industrial Design set it's fundaments on the interaction of the object (or experience) with the user, so you have to think of the people and all the context that includes the complexity of the people.

I want to work with people and fot people, I don't want to create a distince with the "user" and the "creator" but make to make the space work with symmetry. I want to make improvements in objects that we use daily and that we dont know how they can be enhaced because we are to used to it.

I think most of experiences that we are living in the present can be improved in some way, maybe with a simple re design of an object that somehow increases the comfort of the people using it, or changing the impact of the process of how it's created ( reducing waste, using diferent materials and so on). These little updates of objects has to be with a "green gaze" because if we keep thinking that we can create more trash we are doomed. Also knowing that there are people in need so we have to reduce the cost of making the objects so the final cost is not high and most of the people can afford it.


  1. how entertaining, we really need to think and work on people as an equal and that can be more accessible to them, besides being environmentally friendly.

  2. I loved your green gaze, I think it is very important to encourage care for the environment.

  3. I absolutly agree with you, a part of our job is think more in users more that in the object and now think in the invironment impact of production process is think in the people too and their comfort and walfare

  4. Also I think that the system of create & discard will had us doomed if we continue that way. So it must change.

  5. You have a very good and necessary vision with personal and work treatment, apart from having environmental awareness


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