This picture means a lot to me because I took it the summer of 2020, with one of my favorite analog camera, it took me so long to learn how to used it but a few years back I felt that I could get away easily with it.

I like a lot of things of this photograph, one of thoose is the way it presents the main Diablo as the others go blurry as it goes back, also I like the colors and the constrast of it, mostly is red and other tones and shades but it also has green and blue that are not protagonist but are important. Another thing that I find interesting is how you can see the shirt of the Diablo and see that is very light. And for the last the grain of the photo give's it an outdated style that I just love.

At the time that I took this picture there was a parade in Iquique that represent the diferent communities of the area, most of this communities dance their way throught the main street with their traditional costumes creating a story with the music and dances.


  1. It is really a beautiful photo, just like that dance is, these photos remind me so much of September 18 when at school they made us dance

  2. What a nice picture you have taken, it reminds me of when I traveled a few years ago to the north and I could enjoy the festivity of the tirana

  3. What a nice picture you have taken, it reminds me of when I traveled a few years ago to the north and I could enjoy the festivity of the tirana

  4. The colors and costrast are really nice, and also the film grain is something really special, Which camera and film did you use?

  5. what a cute the photo you took , The festival of the Tirana is very cute, before I went to college I was in a folclórico group with those dances.

  6. what wonderful photograph, I went visit my grandparents and me find with carnivals of Iquique

  7. I really love your photo, the light, the contrast and color are beautifully captured and creates a bit mystical and mysterious scene, Great job!

  8. I love your photo!!, reminds me when I was a child, I used to travel with my family to Iquique, I was fascinated with dances!


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