Currently im studying Industrial Design, i am in seventh semester, im studying Design because i belived that it can teach me many tools for making the enviroment that sorround us better.

As a child i didn't ahve a dream job, but i always had a conection to the artistic side. When i graduated high school i decided to study Chemestry, wich i did for four years and then i change to Design. I did enjoy studying Chemestry but i found out that the work enviroment wan not very appealing, the options where; keep studying (specializating) or be in a laboratory 24/7, so i decided to change my major for one that gave me the posibility to be involved in a change that you can see and touch.

I have had a wonderful time in university, i have met a lot of good friends from my past studies an the current one, and that's the most rewarding experience. Also i have learn many crafts that are so entertaining to learn.


  1. hi, I had heard before about industrial design but I dont know what it is:( I would like to that someday we can talk about what it is exactly cuz i think that could like me:)

  2. It's so great that you could realize that major wasn't for you. Sometimes we finish our studies just to finish them and not because we like them, I consider you quite brave and smart for it!


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